Category Archives: Scraptabulous Layouts

Two Page Scrapbook Layout Spring Friends Skylark Cricut CTMH #cricut #CTMH #scraptabulousdesigns

Simply Inspired CTMH: Skylark Scrapbook Layouts

Blog Hop Image

Hi there and welcome to the Simply Inspired CTMH Blog Hop!  This month we are featuring the Skylark Collection – perfect for spring and Easter!  If you are coming from Denise’s Blog, you are on the right path!  However, if you happen to get lost along the way, you can find a complete list our fabulous designers here.

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TBT – Dancing Princess Scrapbook Layout

Happy Throw Back Thursday, everyone!!!  I wanted to share a special layout with you all of my daughter when she was 4 years old.  I had decided to cut her hair and donate it to Locks of Love, but wanted to get one last photo shoot with her long, beautiful locks.  I recently came across the proofs from that photo shoot and realized that they were *perfect* with this layout featuring our Lucy papers! Continue reading

Two page Snow scrapbook layout Cricut Art Philosophy winter Lucy #scraptabulousdesigns #ctmh #cricut flip flap

Snow Much Fun Flip Flap Layout

I still see snow out my window!!!  This is wrong on so many levels – but the most important of which is that I was supposed to be in Costa Rica right now on the CTMH Incentive Trip!!  We awoke at 1 am to head to the airport, only to find out our flight was cancelled at 12:30 am. Aaaggggghhhh!!!!! Continue reading

Family Layouts with Pemberly

Hi all!!  Hope you are staying warm – can I you tell how *tired* I am of being cold?????  Only 3 more weeks and I’ll be in sunny Costa Rica with all the other CTMH Incentive Trip earners – CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!!  🙂

I wanted to share some recently completed layouts using pages I designed a few years ago.  I create with EVERY paper pack that CTMH has to offer – even if I don’t have pictures to put on them right away.  And sure enough, they always come in handy!!


Two Page Family scrapbooking layout cricut Art Philosophy Pemberly bloom #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #cricut Continue reading

Two Page Scrapbook Layout Balloon Ride CTMH Cricut Family Spring #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #cricut #scrapbooking

CTMH New Product Blog Hop: Balloon Ride WOTG

Hello and welcome to our New Product Blog Hop!  If you have arrived here from Krista’s blog, you are on the right path!  If you happen to get lost along the way, you can get the full list of hoppers here.  Our new Idea Book is jam-packed with GREAT new products – make sure to check it out!  You can even add one to your order when you shop online! Continue reading

Two page scrapbook layout Ivy Lane Cricut Artiste Girl Valentines Day Love Fun #ctmh #criuct #scrapbooking #scraptabulousdesigns

Simply Inspired CTMH New Idea Book Blog Hop: Ivy Lane

Welcome to our Simply Inspired CTMH Blog Hop featuring product from our BRAND NEW 2014 Spring/Summer Idea Book!!  If you have come here from Pamela’s blog, you are on the right path!  The hop moves in a circle, but if you happen to get lost along the way, you can find the complete list of our 16 hoppers here. Continue reading

Two Page Christmas scrapbook layout Cricut Sparkle and Shine CTMH #ctmh #cricut #scrapbooking #scraptabulous designs

I finished my Christmas Layouts with Sparkle and Shine!

In my nine years with Close To My Heart, I have gone on a roller coaster ride with my own scrapbooking.  For quite a few years, I got so busy doing design work for my workshops and customers, that I neglected my own personal scrapbooking and began to lose my passion for preserving my memories.  One of my goals for 2014 is to PUT PICTURES ON MY LAYOUTS!!!!  Sounds simple, but like so many things in life, it often falls to the bottom of the priority list. Continue reading

Two Page Scrapbook layout Laughing Lola Purple Girl Cricut Artbooking #ctmh #cricut #scraptabulousdesigns

Laughing Lola Makes Me Smile

Hi ya’ll!!  Did you miss me?  LOL  I took a little hiatus from blogging for a few weeks, but I’m back in the saddle again!

The top photo is one of my latest COMPLETED layouts featuring the Laughing Lola Workshop on the Go.  Isn’t it fun?  I LOVE the Artbooking Cricut Cuts on this layout and I used the Artiste Cartridge for the title, My Girl.  You can check out the companion layouts from my Laughing Lola workshop along with my other kits here on my website.

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