Category Archives: Scraptabulous Layouts

Two Page Scrapbook Layout Friends Mayberry CTMH #scraptabulousdesigns #ctmh

Life is Beautiful with You Mayberry Scrapbook Layout

So – I am seriously going KUH-RAZY right now getting ready for CTMH Convention in Disneyland next week!  Soooooo stinking excited!!  I leave on Monday and my mind is going one gazillion miles a minute trying to get all my crafting, housework, laundry, and packing done while still trying to figure out the kids schedule for my parents!  I know some of you can totally understand where I’m coming from…  It’s nuts, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!  🙂 Continue reading

Crazy Maze Fall Layout with Mayberry

I had an epiphany last weekend –  I am DONE creating workshops with ALL the current papers from Close To My Heart!  I won’t get anything new until July, so I have some time to do whatever kind of crafting I want….  Hmmm…  Whatever shall I do????  Catch up on some personal scrapping – that’s what!  🙂 Continue reading

Two page scrapbook layout Jubilee summer fun CTMH Cricut #scraptabulousdesigns #cricut #ctmh #jubilee

Jubilee Scrapbook Pages – It’s SUMMERTIME!

Wow – can you believe it is June???  Where did the time go??  My kids get out of school next week, but they have seriously already checked out.  And me???  I’ve got sunshine on the brain and am ready to play!

The Jubilee Workshop on the Go is the perfect kit to capture your summer time celebrations – back yard fun, BBQ’s, 4th of July, county fair, 4H, and more!  The rich and vibrant colors will showcase your memories perfectly. Continue reading

Two page scrapbook layout free to be me summer fun CTMH Cricut #scraptabulousdesigns #ctmh #cricut

Free To Be Me Scrapbook Layouts – Goin’ Old School! :)

What day is it??  What day is it???  Hump DAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!  Hope ya’ll are having a GREAT week and have some fun plans for this holiday weekend!!!

I wanted to share my Free To Be Me Workshop with you all today.  The colors in this kit are so happy and bright, they just make me smile!  When I was creating these pages, I didn’t want to title the pages because they will work for *so many* themes.  I added two sheets of white cardstock for photo mats, but no stamping and no accessories.  Just paper!  And the pages still turned out super FUN!! Continue reading

Two page Outdoor Camping Scrapbooking Layout Timberline CTMH Cricut Artbooking #ctmh #cricut #scraptabulousdesigns

Timberline WOTG: Outdoor Scrapbook Layouts

Hello and Happy Friday, everyone!!  The sun is finally shining here in Michigan and I am soooo excited!  I don’t realize how much I miss the sun until it’s rainy and dreary for days on end.  Clouds make me feel a little Eeyore-ish…  And I much prefer being HAPPY!

I have finally finished up my Timberline Workshop on the Go – just in time for all your summer outdoor photos!  🙂  Totally loving this kit and can’t wait to get my photos on these SCRAPTABULOUS pages!

Two page Outdoor Camping Scrapbooking Layout Timberline CTMH Cricut Artbooking #ctmh #cricut #scraptabulousdesigns Continue reading

Two Page Summer Pool Layout flip flaps CTMH cricut #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #flipflaps #cricut

Flip Flap-tastic Layouts & Video


I want to share with you all one of my FAVORITEST CTMH products ever – FLIP FLAPS!!!!  I am sure that most of you already know what they are, but if you don’t – prepare to have your world ROCKED!!  🙂 Continue reading

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone!  Today I am reminded of how blessed I am to be a mom.  It’s not always easy, it’s not always appreciated, and it’s not always valued – but it is my world.  I started scrapbooking when my son was 6 weeks old because I knew that I just had to capture everything about this little miracle.  Fourteen years (and one daughter) later, I look back at their first books and it reminds me exactly why I do what I do. Continue reading

Two Page Dance Layout Free To Be Me CTMH Cricut vellum #scraptabulousdesigns #ctmh #cricut #scrapbooking

Free To Be Me Scrapbook Layout & Blog Hop

Blog Hop ImageHappy National Scrapbooking Day and welcome to the Simply Inspired CTMH Blog Hop featuring our *new and exclusive* Free to Be Me Paper Pack!  If you have arrived from Lisa’s blog, you are on the right path!  If you happen to get lost along the way, you can find a complete list of hoppers here.

I have been searching for papers that I could use to scrap my daughter’s dance recital from last year – and the Free To Be Me colors were perfect!  I just added some black to ground the brightness and I love the result!!  Happy and fun! Continue reading