Category Archives: Scraptabulous Layouts

Hopscotch Two Page Scrapbook Layout WOTG Fun Stars #ctmh #cricutexplore #scraptabulousdesigns

Hopscotch WOTG Scrapbook Layouts – Fun and Fresh!

Hi there!!  I hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving and your upcoming holiday plans are well under way!  I love this time of year – it really makes me reflect on the happenings of the past year…  and what better way to reminisce than to open my scrapbooks and re-live some of my favorite memories!  🙂

I am super excited to use these NEW Hopscotch Layouts – the colors are fresh and fun they will work with a variety of photos and themes.

For those of you that are mainly scrapbooking masculine photos, I would suggest switching out the smoothie sheet of cardstock with sunset and then using the back side of the floral-ish paper, if you so desire. Continue reading

Hopscotch Designed Decor Shadow Box Frame Frame Homecoming Scrapbook layout Boys #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #cricutexplore #artfullysent

Simply Inspired CTMH Blog Hop – Seasonal Expressions is Here!

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Welcome to another fabulous Simply Inspired CTMH Blog Hop!  This month we are featuring products from our brand new Seasonal Inspirations Catalog!  WAHOO – I just love NEW products!!!  An awesome early Christmas present for all of us crafters!  If you have arrived here from Krista’s Blog, you are on the right path.  In case you get lost along the way, you can find a complete list of hoppers here.

I chose to create a one page layout using the NEW Hopscotch Paper Pack.  I thought the colors were perfect with my son’s Homecoming pictures.  I would have done a two page layout, but I have SO MANY photos to go through, I didn’t have time.  LOL  So, I grabbed a few photos that I had already printed out and put the one page layout into our Design Decor Shadow Box Frame to show it off! Continue reading

Snowhaven Winter Snow Scrapbook Layout Pages #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #cricutexplore

It’s Snow Much Fun with Snowhaven!!

Yay!!!  I love snow pages!!!!  And, seriously, since it actually snowed last weekend, I feel like I’m a bit behind with these!  LOL

When I was designing this workshop, I wanted it to feel warm and cozy, so I decided to create a quilt-like pattern with the papers.  I love how it turned out!  I really think that black and white photos will work FABULOUS with this kit – and I look forward to getting some pictures on these pages in the months to come! Continue reading

Two Page Holiday Christmas Scrapbook Layout Pages Yuletide #scraptabulousdesigns #ctmh #cricutexplore

Ho, Ho, Ho!!! It’s Christmas with Yuletide Carol!

Oh Holy Night!!!  I have my Christmas pages completed before Halloween!!  LOL  Some serious happy dancing going on right now at my house…  be glad you can’t see me act a fool….  I kind of want to go watch Elf right now and do some SINGING!!!!!

I have to tell you – this kit was extremely intimidating for me at first.  I always seem to struggle with papers that are not uniform in design and rather “vintage-y” looking.  🙂  However, I am extremely pleased with how the pages turned out and I am already planning what kind of photos I will take over the Holidays this year!

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Two Page Fall Autumn Thanksgiving Scrapbook layout Pathfinding Cricut #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #cricutexplore

Pathfinding Workshop Layouts: Get your “Fall” on!

Hi everyone!  I have had a crazy couple of weeks here and I have totally felt like my head might spin off.  However, when I take the time to breathe and focus on what I *have done* instead of what I *haven’t done*, I find that things aren’t really that bad.  Sometimes I just have to remind myself to look at the BIG picture and just let the little things go.

So – these Pathfinding layouts were perfect for me to focus on being thankful.  I LOVE this time of year!  The gorgeous colors, the chill in the air, FOOTBALL (well, I really only like highschool football), and looking forward to the holidays.  I am CRAZY happy that I have these layouts done ahead of time.  I am now going to force myself to take photos of my family at Thanksgiving and a trip to the Corn Maze.  However, I specifically designed these pages so that they aren’t exclusively Fall or Thanksgiving – you can leave off some of the themed complements and use them for any photos that match! Continue reading

Scaredy Cat Halloween Scrapbook Layouts CTMH #cricutexplore #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns

It’s a FREAKY Friday with 3 Scaredy Cat Layouts!

Be afraid…  Be VERY afraid….  It’s almost time for HALLOWEEN!!!!!  And in the CTMH world, Halloween means Scaredy Cat!

I always have so much fun with Halloween layouts!  Completing this workshop was a little different, however, as there is no Scaredy Cat Workshop on the Go.  Ummm….  Come again? That’s right, CTMH is switching it up this catalog.  So, for this workshop, I was able to pick and choose my accessories. Continue reading

Two Page Scrapbook Layout Pages School Chalk It Up #cricut #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns

Back to School with Chalk It Up Scrapbook Pages

Wowzers!!!  It’s that time again – Back to School!!  Here in Michigan, we have a few more weeks of summer, but school is right around the corner….

The Chalk It Up Workshop on the Go is designed to showcase your school photos….  or not….   🙂   It’s kind of a “School-Not-School” deal – if you don’t have any school photos, then just swap out some of the titles – the colors are fun and will work with a variety of themes.

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Two Page Wanderful Travel Vacation Scrapbook Layouts CTMH Cricut #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns #cricut

Wanderful Workshop On The Go Layouts


Hi there and Welcome to another New Product Blog Hop!!  If you have landed here from Jen’s blog, you are on the right path.  We have some beautiful new new items from our NEW Annual Inspirations to share with you, but if you get lost along the way, you can find the complete list of participants here.


For this Hop, I decided to debut my Wanderful Workshop on the Go Layouts.  This kit is perfect to highlight your vacation or travel photos.  Super fun – don’t forget you can use your flip flaps on these layouts to include even more photos! Continue reading

Two page scrapbooking layout beach summer Seaside CTMH Cricut #scraptabulousdesigns #cricut #ctmh

Simply Inspired CTMH Blog Hop: New Product Showcase with Seaside Layouts

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Hi there and Welcome to the Simply Inspired Blog Hop!  This month we have an inspiring New Product Showcase featuring some FABULOUS items from our BRAND NEW Idea Book!!! It’s like Christmas in the CTMH world!  🙂  If you have come here from Pamela’s blog, you are on the right path.  And, in case you get lost along the way, you can find a complete list of our awesome artists here. Continue reading

Two Page Scrapbook Layout Subway Word Art Cricut Explore CTMH #cricut #ctmh #scraptabulousdesigns

Subway Word Art Scrapbook Layout & SPECIAL!

Wow!  Can you believe it is already July???  I am finally adjusting back to real life after Convention in Disneyland.  I had such a crazy, awesome, fabulous time – but sleep was definitely *not* on the agenda!  🙂


Dana’s July Customer Special

Spend $50 (before shipping and tax) from my website between July 1 – July 31, and receive a FREE NEW PAPER PACK in August!  You must join the July Mystery Hostess Party so that I know you are participating.  This is a GREAT time to stock up on those items that are retiring on July 31, so don’t delay!  For the full list of retiring items, click here.


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